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2008 Fall Clinton Study Weekend
"The Restoration of Israel"

Approximately 80 brethren and friends of the truth enjoyed a two day chronological study of the soon coming restoration of Israel at the Clinton Christadelphian Chapel.  The speakers commenced the study by discussing the Gogian host offensive; continued through their destruction; and concluded with the gathering and restoration of the Dry Bones.

Class 1 - "Joshua's Southern Campaign - A Typical Account" - Bro. Sid Strickland

Class 2 - "Ezekiel 38 - Current events in Gogian host countries" - Bro. Sid Strickland
We are sorry, but this class did not record.  You should have been there. 

Class 3 - "Ezekiel 38 & 39 Exposition" - Bro. Sid Strickland
We are sorry, but this class did not record either.  Read Elpis Israel or The World's Redemption for the main import of his exposition. 

Class 4 -"Islam and the Arabs" - Bro. Lou Locklear
Esau and Ishmael in scripture, history and prophecy

Class 5 - "Ezekiel 36 - The Cleansing and Restoration of the Land" - Bro. Lou Locklear

Class 6 - "Eze. 37 - The Cleansing and Restoration of the People" - Bro. Lou Locklear